Saturday, July 13, 2013

Considering Becoming An Internet Marketer?

By Douglas Blackley

Are you perceiving that you can rake in large sums of money as an internet marketer?

Seems simple right? Set up a few websites selling popular items and just sit back and watch the profits roll in, right? Sounds so easy that anyone could do it right? WRONG!

How many times have you been approached with "opportunities" that sound like you can't loose? You know, just buy our software or access to our system, plug in your name and you're set to make a bundle of money. Opportunities are often cheap to suck you in. Once you're in, you find out you have to invest more money on additional materials if you want to be successful. WOW! You just realized you were duped by the sales pitch to believe that anyone could do this when it actually requires investment of more money or time or both.

A very high percentage of people who buy these opportunities never make a penny. In addition, they never ask for a refund based on the "money back guarantee" because its such a hassle and not worth the modest amount of money. For this reason, the scammers continue to offer their products unfettered.

Setting up business as a internet marketer requires the same basic skills as opening a brick and mortar business. The major difference is in capital investment. Most internet businesses can be opened for very little capital investment whereas brick and mortar businesses require considerable capital. Otherwise, the basics are the same.

In order to succeed, you have to offer the marketplace something that it wants to buy at a competitive price. Competition is fierce in every market so you have to set yourself apart from the competition and draw traffic to your business.

There are myriad resources available for identifying what's selling at the moment. Once you select a product, you have to decide whether you're going to establish a brick and mortar business or an internet business.

Should you choose to open an internet store, you have several choices. You could create a website or you could open an e-bay store for instance. In either case, you're going to have to get traffic to your store in order to make sales.

This is the marketing part of internet marketing. How are you going to drive traffic to your online store? I've found the most effective way to do this is using a technique called attraction marketing.

Free is a frequently used word which usually causes people to look further. Offering something of value for free causes people to come back to your site time and again. They get to know you and have benefited from whatever you offered for free. Now you can present your product or service as someone they know.

This approach is gaining in popularity among internet marketers and has proven successful for those who have implemented it.

My Lead System Pro is at the forefront of providing education using these techniques.

Best regards,


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