Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Problem With Speed Reading In College

By Maryl Joop

Have your San Diego College professors forgotten what it's like to be a student? Have they forgotten that an assignment to understand 30 pages of an in-depth explanation of Thermodynamics by tomorrow isn't possible, especially since you have another 30 pages to understand in Physics and a ten page paper due at the same time?

It's like the professors believe that their class is the only one you're taking. If they want you to understand a concept, that's fine, but why not make the content a little easier to grasp than 30 pages?

So how can a senior in college, preparing to graduate and move on from their formal education, prevent this mystical condition known as senioritis? Simply put, by planning ahead for the incoming event.

Indeed, Americans are notorious for not taking enough vacations. They tend to work themselves to the bone, and only take a vacation when they literally cannot work anymore. Taking your vacation in San Diego will be a great opportunity for you to relax and totally forget about work or school. As mentioned earlier, there are many things to do in San Diego for free.

By having plans in place and precautions set against the negative effects of senioritis, a senior college student studying any discipline, whether it be business administration or computer science, will be able to avoid the slumping performance of senior year.

They don't see every word, nor analyze ever complex sentence. That type of reading is great for reading a newspaper, book, or ad, but it does not help you read the harder texts.

Textbook reading requires the careful inspection of every sentence to truly grasp the concept. You would come away from the read with a very shallow understanding of the concepts-one that won't guarantee you the grade you're looking for on assignments.

Hence, learning to speed read will not replace the in-depth study that you need to truly understand the finer points of 30 pages of Thermodynamics. You'll do much better with the slower read. That's not to say that speed reading doesn't have its place in your studies. A great technique is to quickly scan every page of the text.

By registering for a just-for-fun class or two, a student will be able to have a built-in hour of their school day that will ease their stress, get their minds off other school work, and provide the respite necessary to tackle the other classes without getting burned out.

There are also several different outdoor trails for those individuals who enjoy running and biking. If you have visited San Diego on business or on your vacation and have decided that you want to move there, then you have made a great choice.

But with a pass or fail class option, a student cuts this worry from their mind and can focus on learning the material and performing to the best of their abilities with the assurance that a pass grade is coming down the line and not a letter grade. By registering wisely, and by being prepared for the likelihood of senioritis, a senior college student will be able to remain focused throughout their last year of school and finish their collegiate career strong.

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