Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Weirdest Kinds Of Insurance Out There

By Maryl Joop

Why cover other things?

When it comes to insurance coverage it is usually pretty normal and may include auto, homeowners, renters, or commercial insurance policies. However, these types of policies are only a few of the more odd and some would say frivolous forms of coverage that are available. So why would someone want to insure more than their basic property and possibly a life insurance policy? Much of this depends on the individual and or what career or value they place on it. For example if you owned and trained a race horse it would be in your best interest to have an insurance policy in case the horse was injured or died. Some may think it is strange to provide coverage to an animal but it is more than just an animal it represents a career and income. This is a more reasonable example compared to someone who insures their mustache for 400,000 dollars. The fact is pretty much anything can be insured depending on the company.

Keep your light fixtures on automatic timers that are set to turn on in the evening and off in the morning. This makes the house look like someone is inside using that light without having to leave it on all day and waste energy.

General Liability Insurance: This insurance provides protection and damages if your employees or to yourself. This can also include coverage if your product or service caused damage to property or bodily injury to a third party.

Even if you have your lights set on timers, it is a dead giveaway that you are not really at home when you let the rest of your house become a mess.

UFO abduction: An insurance company in Florida- UFO Abduction Insurance Co. For $19.95 offers a $10 million policy if a visitor from Mars grabs or scratches the recipient. Kidnapping: An insurance policy that covers payment for a ransom in the event of a kidnapping. This type of policy is usually provided for senior executives who travel abroad. Pet life insurance: Random dogs or animals from the pound can't get this type of coverage, but if they are a show dog or proven pure breed they can be covered granted they are proven to generate income. Cancelled wedding: There is a policy that covers wedding cancellation for causes beyond anyone's control such as illness, or bad weather. The policy may also include a change of heart clause which will pay off a couple's decision to not marry.

Egon Ronay: Is a food critic and insured his taste buds for $400,000 because his endorsement could make or break a restaurant.

Ken Dodd: Insured his buck teeth for $7.5 million because they were so important to his comedic act.

These systems provide a peace of mind to homeowners, especially when out of town and unable to find a house sitter.

Another insurance coverage that has been recently challenged is what kind if any healthcare insurance should be provided to employees. Health insurance is expensive and can be burdensome especially on small businesses. The Affordable Care Act has created some real challenges for small business owners ranging from higher insurance premiums, not hiring part-time employees, to less money for trading and new technology development.

At all times, whether you are at home or out of town, be aware that your house could be broken into if you do not take all of the necessary precautions. It is not that hard to make sure that your home is protected, and in the end it is worth it.

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